Girder Trolley – PWB (Push Type)

Girder Trolley – PWB (Push Type)

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Girder Trolley – PWB (Push Type). Designed to travel along RSJ, universal beams and universal columns,push and geared trolleys suits a variety of beam widths to provide an easy and convenient means to moving a load.

Capacity Beam Range Headroom Wheel Dia Running Surface Min Radius  Tare
(tne) (mm) (mm) (kg) (mm) (kg)
0.25 32-51 86 48 0.9 3
0.5 64-152 110 58 0.9 7
0.5 64-210 16
0.5 210-270 18
1 64-210 136 88 0.9 16
1 210-268 18
1 268-330 20
2 89-210 155 100 1.5 24
2 210-268 27
2 268-330 29
3 102-210 200 130 1.8 44
3 210-268 52
3 268-330 54
4 102-210 200 130 1.8 44
5 114-210 252 155 2.4 74
5 210-268 85
5 268-330 87
6 114-210 252 155 1.8 74
10 127-210 288 195 3.7 155
10 210-330 170
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